Todays Teller Academy
This course is designed for English Language Learners, and free for eligible participants.
Become part of a lifelong career in financial banking institutions! Students are co-enrolled in…
This course is designed for English Language Learners, and free for eligible participants.
Become part of a lifelong career in financial banking institutions! Students are co-enrolled in…
This class is targeted to Portland Adult Education healthcare students who need additional practice and study in the competencies targeted by the CASAS test. Through classroom instruction and on…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThis program assists students with an interest in pursuing a healthcare career with the English skills they need to take their next step. Students build reading comprehension, speaking, and writ…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgA 22 week program, offered in partnership with ProsperityME, which prepares English language learners for entry level careers in the banking world. Students complete two core courses in the firs…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThe purpose of this online program is to prepare English language learners for the Commercial Driver’s License Class B permit test. Students also receive practice so that they can take the Passe…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgHealthcare Essentials: Medical Terminology, Electronic Health Records and the U.S. Healthcare System
In this course, students will learn how medical terms are analyzed and built, how to …
Clinical Medical Assistant- This program will be held a total of 6
hours, twice a week for 16 weeks. Upon completion of the program you
will take your national certification of CCMA (Certi…
This course will teach you the practical real-world skills essential for
success in the health care field. This completely inclusive course
consists of Medical Terminology, Medical Front O…
The purpose of the Education Academy will be to prepare foreign trained teachers and new Mainers who are interested in working in an educational setting with the competencies needed to be succes…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThis is a dummy program created to provide screen shots for a user guide.