Medical Billing & Coding Professional
This 80hrs course offers the skills needed to solve insurance billing problems, how to manually file claims (using the CPT and ICD-9 manual), …
This 80hrs course offers the skills needed to solve insurance billing problems, how to manually file claims (using the CPT and ICD-9 manual), …
Are you a restaurant manager or owner with new kitchen staff coming on-board? Or, are you looking to get started in the rapidly growing restaurant industry? The New Cook Bootcamp is a 4-day acce…
http://yccc.edu14-week web-based program with lectures from the pharmacists on the board of the national exam. The students work one-on-one with our instructor, a pharmacy technician, who will prepare the stud…
Truck, Bus and Other Commercial Vehicle Operator. An instructional program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to drive trucks and buses, delivery vehicles, for-hir…
http://www.godriving.coThis course is designed for English Language Learners, and free for eligible participants.
Become part of a lifelong career in financial banking institutions! Students are co-enrolled in…
The MHRT/community certificate program is offered within the Rehabilitation Counseling concentration and is especially suited for practitioners who work in the mental health system and desire tr…
The Certificate Program in Grant Writing provides an intensive opportunity to acquire the knowledge and practice the skills necessary to succeed in today’s competitive grant writing environment…. Marine Pipefitting students will learn the skill of Pipe Fitting. Techniques such as basic pipe welding, fabrication and installation of pipe supports will be taught. In addition Trade … CNA program at Penobscot Job Corps offers students the opportunity to learn a variety of skills that are necessary in the Healthcare Field. Students will participate in classroom, lab and cl… intensive English language program for people for whom English is not their first language. We offer full and part time classes in two sessions per semester.