CompTIA A+
140-hour course leading to entry level IT certification. The course will cover computer operating systems, software, installing, configuring and troubleshooting devices, networks, security conce… course leading to entry level IT certification. The course will cover computer operating systems, software, installing, configuring and troubleshooting devices, networks, security conce… Description: The program is 900 hours and is designed to provide the student with a strong foundation in patient care, procedures and theory, medical office administrati…
http://www.actisme.comProgram Description: The program is 750 hours of theory, hands on skill practices, and internship practicum. It includes supervised instruction in the body’s system, anatomy and…
http://www.actisme.comThe Architectural Design Technologies Certificate program focuses on teaching the required skills used by people in the Architectural Design Industry. The breath of available Architectural Desig… course prepares designers to produce drawings of mechanical parts, components of mechanical systems, and mechanisms. MCAD and the importance of technically correct drawings and dseigns base… course prepares engineers and designers to produce drawings of mechanical/civil/electrical parts using their choice of the following programs: SolidWorks, Creo Parametric, Pro-E, AutoCAD, R… course prepares engineers and designers to create 3D CAD models and produce drawings of mechanical/civil/electrical parts mechanisms and assemblies using their choice of the following progr… course prepares engineers and designers to produce drawings of mechanical/civil/electrical parts using their choice of AutoCAD andRevit, to produce components of architectural systems. and … Topics – System Administrator Incident Response and Advanced Forensics, Networking Fundamentals, Performing a Microsoft Windows 10 Installation, Fundamental Windows Security Overview, Wi… program prepares you to be proficient at
creating Photorealistic Animations and
Renderings for Industrial & Commercial Products.
Skills taught will include 3D Parametric Solid<…