Substance Abuse counseling
The objectives of the Substance Abuse Counseling Associates Degree program are to provide
students with an academic foundation for a career in substance abuse services. Coursework in the
The objectives of the Substance Abuse Counseling Associates Degree program are to provide
students with an academic foundation for a career in substance abuse services. Coursework in the
The nursing program is designed to offer individuals the opportunity to enter nursing or to advance in nursing by entering at different levels of the curriculum. Students may enter into the firs…
The associate degree program in Nursing is dedicated to fostering and nurturing the compassion,
clinical reasoning, problem solving, and lifelong learning skills needed by practitioners in…
The Business Administration program provides students with a foundation in general business practices, leadership concepts and microcomputer applications. In addition to acquiring skills in acco… Administrative Office Professional program prepares students to be effective and efficient
administrative professionals. The program blends traditional office skills, such as planning,…
For detailed course information:
Whether you’re interested in obtaining a new career in payroll, or are an experienced payroll professional seeking a…
National Rest. Association ServSafe certification class
The Graphic Communications program will provide you with broad exposure to graphic design and digital imaging technologies. Get hands-on experience in studio photography, wide format printing, s…