Adult Basic Skills Instruction
Reading, Literacy and Communication Skills.
An instructional
program that describes the development of reading, writing, and
speaking abilities that are needed to perform day-t…
Reading, Literacy and Communication Skills.
An instructional
program that describes the development of reading, writing, and
speaking abilities that are needed to perform day-t…
A must-have skill to succeed in business,
whether an entrepreneur or a valued
employee, is the ability to create, edit and
manage spreadsheets. Learn how an Excel worksheet
The Associate in Applied Science Degree in Human Services will prepare graduates for entry-level positions in areas of substance abuse, mental health, developmental disabilities, child and adole… one-year Human Services certificate program is specifically designed to meet the requirements for certification as a Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHR… for a well-paying job in the technical field of precision machining. In our state-of-the-art Gene Haas technology lab, students learn to operate a variety of conventional machine tools, …, General. An instructional program that generally describes art, including its development and practice. Includes instruction in art appreciation, a basic knowledge of art history, fundame… Associate of Applied Science in Medical Assisting is an Accredited Associate Degree Program. The two-year program provides students with competence in the cognitive (knowledge,) psychomotor …
This multi-course program prepares the student for employment in any
medical office setting. CASAS testing is included during registration.
Classes include:…
Medical Assistant.
An instructional program that prepares individuals to support physicians by providing assistance during patient examinations, treatment administration, and monitoring; b…
This phlebotomy certification course is designed to meet the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certification requirements for a phlebotomy technician. Stude…