Credential(s) Offered
Industry certification, Employment, Measurable skills gain
Method of Delivery
In Person
When offered
Daytime Hours, Evening Hours, Weekends
Instructional Program (CIP)
Classes cover a broad range of topics, ranging from how to bathe a patient, to positioning a patient properly. You will learn about abuse and neglect, how to feed and dress a patient, proper body mechanics for lifting and turning patients. Also, topics such as recognizing depression, dealing with dementia, infection control issues, and catheter care.
Course consists of 70 hours classroom instruction, 8 hours for first aid and CPR, 20 lab hours, and 40 clinical hours.
Program Length (Weeks)
Entrance Requirements
Combination of Education and Course(s)
Valley Unified Continuing Education (Madawaska & Fort Kent)
WIOA Approved Program
Training Location(s)
Frenchville Technoloy Center
Local WIB
1 - Northeastern Workforce Board
Name of Credential
Certifed Nursing Assistant
Type of financial aid offered or have access to
Refund Policy
Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?
Yes - Maine Department of Health & Human Services
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?
Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?
Cost Items
In-State/District Tuition
Other Fees
$100.00 Uniforms and CNA tools
Total In-State Program Cost