Fiber Optics Technician
This course covers the fundamental principles of installing, testing, and maintaining FTTx networks properly. Students will build and develop the skills required to become a fiberoptic technicia… course covers the fundamental principles of installing, testing, and maintaining FTTx networks properly. Students will build and develop the skills required to become a fiberoptic technicia… Nursing Assistant (CNA) students learn introductory concepts of nursing care, including areas such as anatomy, nutritional care, medication care and disease management. Industry profes… Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) certificate program can prepare you to work in the health care industry assisting with patient care procedures, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics… course is approved by the State of Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles as an introductory course in commercial motor vehicle driver education instruction for a Class A commercial motor vehicle d…
http://sad17.maineadulted.orgLearning by doing is the keystone of the Community Health Education program. Classroom-based research, on-campus work opportunities, and service learning projects are led by faculty with a broad…
This concentration provides a rigorous interdisciplinary preparation in environmental science. Students join an active community of scientists who are willing to guide students in laboratory or … concentration provides a rigorous interdisciplinary preparation in environmental science. Students join an active community of scientists who are willing to guide students in laboratory or … and environmental sciences (EES) are critical disciplines for environmental stewardship and resource management. Students in this program engage in diverse field and laboratory investigati… and American literature provide the principal subject matter through which students learn literary analysis and develop their knowledge of literary history. The program offers a wide var… UMF Psychology Program embraces a vision of psychology as a humanistic enterprise that facilitates personal development as well as responsible citizenship in a global community. A diverse cu…