Workplace Math Skills
Earn credits towards your high school diploma.
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgEarn credits towards your high school diploma.
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgEarn an IC3 certification
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgRSU 54 Adult Education offers both High School Diploma and HiSET completion as well as College Preparation. Students who have not yet completed high school are able to continue their education b…
https://msad54.maineadulted.orgWelding – Kennebec Valley Community College has four levels of Welding designed for Professional Level welding in Heavy Construction, or Manufacturing. Level I will consist of Basic Mig welding,…
An IC3 Digital Literacy Certification demonstrates that you have mastered important computer literacy knowledge and skills.
You can earn separate certifications for basic, intermediate, …
Earn credits towards a high school credential.
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgThis course is designed to teach students beginning skills in Stick, Mig, and Tig welding.
Also Oxy-Acetylene and Plasma Arc cutting and Blacksmithing will be covered.