Mental Health
The Associate in Applied Science degree in Mental Health will prepare students for entry-level and above positions in areas of substance abuse, mental health rehabilitation, developmental disabi…
The Associate in Applied Science degree in Mental Health will prepare students for entry-level and above positions in areas of substance abuse, mental health rehabilitation, developmental disabi…
The Accounting program provides individuals with broad exposure to general business activities and practices, and an in-depth understanding of accounting procedures and supporting computerized a… Medical Coding & Electronic Health Records program at Central Maine Community College prepares students to adhere to the personal and professional ethics in the in-demand medical coding … Justice Studies. The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Criminal Justice is designed with a three-fold purpose: (1) to prepare graduates for entry l… Medical Coding & Electronic Health Records program at Central Maine Community College prepares students to adhere to the personal and professional ethics in the in-demand medical coding … Administration and Management, General. An instructional program that generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or org… Associate in Applied Science Degree in Criminal Justice is designed with a three-fold purpose: (1) to prepare graduates for entry level
positions relevant to law enforcement, (2) to pr…
Business Administration and Management. This program of study includes activities found in a modern business or industrial organization including accounting, marketing, customer relations and s… Associate in Applied Science Degree in Human Services will prepare graduates for entry-level positions in areas of substance abuse, mental health, developmental disabilities, child and adole…