Certified Residential Medication Aide (CRMA)
This class gives you the certificate to be able to administer medications at healthcare facilities.
http://www.aetc.usThis class gives you the certificate to be able to administer medications at healthcare facilities.
http://www.aetc.usA combination of classroom, online, and clinical training sites
Limited English proficiency is the number one barrier to economic opportunity for immigrants, no matter their skill level. Improved proficiency is an essential gateway to economic opportunity, w…
https://www.welcomeimmigrant.orgEarn credits towards a secondary school diploma
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgEarn credit towards your high school credential
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgEarn credits towards a high school credential.
http://www.kittery.maineadulted.orgThe online Paralegal Certificate Course provides comprehensive training in preparation of working in the challenging and rapidly growing paralegal profession. This program is designed for those …
Instruction focuses on training students to produce acceptable, sound welds in all positions in oxyacetylene and electric arc welding and to select the correct filler rod to fit the job and the …
https://www.wccc.me.edu/academics/programs/programs-study/welding-technology/The Heavy Equipment Maintenance and Heavy Equipment Operations programs prepare students for operations and maintenance jobs in the forestry, trucking, earth moving, or construction industries. …
https://www.wccc.me.edu/academics/programs/programs-study/heavy-equipment-maintenance/The Engine Specialist program prepares the students for employment in the engine servicing industry. Instruction covers diesel and gasoline engine theory and techniques of disassembly, inspectio…