The program in Zoology provides a vigorous background in the fundamental aspects of animal
biology while allowing flexibility in planning the direction of specialization for student majors. …
The program in Zoology provides a vigorous background in the fundamental aspects of animal
biology while allowing flexibility in planning the direction of specialization for student majors. …
The chemistry curriculum, certified by the American Chemical Society, is designed to provide a strong foundation in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical and biological chemistry. Students bu…
The study of Communication Sciences and Disorders involves the examination of human communication, its development and disorders. The ability to communicate may be our most distinctive character…
Knowledge of accounting principles and their applications are fundamental to a career in business. Accounting data are essential for planning, decision making, and control. The practicing accoun…
The Bachelor of Science in financial economics degree at the University of Maine is designed to prepare students who wish to pursue training in quantitative financial economics. The program also…
The Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Agriculture, offered by the School of Food and Agriculture, is built upon fundamental knowledge of ecological and biological systems as applied to agricult…
The B.S. degree in Environmental Horticulture explores the applied science of managing ornamental plants in public or estate gardens, residential landscapes, or greenhouses and nurseries. The pr…
The electrical engineering technology (EET) program prepares students for professional electrical engineering careers. The program provides students with a traditional electrical and electronic …
Bachelors of Science 4 year program
Accounting. An instructional program that prepares individuals to practice the profession of accounting, and to perform related business functions. Includes instruction in accounting principle…