Personal Support Specialist
60 hour certification course that prepares students to work in a residential or home care setting providing personal care to ill or aging populations
http://www.scaborough.maineadulted.org60 hour certification course that prepares students to work in a residential or home care setting providing personal care to ill or aging populations
http://www.scaborough.maineadulted.orgVARIOUS ONLINE COMPUTER COURSES
Bookkeeping Certificate
Quickbooks Certificate
Certificate in Basic Game Design
Certificate in Data Analysis
Social Media …
This class is distinctly online.
20-week, in-depth medical coding for CPC certification through AAPC. This program is designed to teach all aspects of medical coding, p… Captain School Key West, through local instructor John Coffin, is offering the Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessel, commonly called the 6-pack course. The course qualifies students for …
The Information Technology program provides students with a broad background in the application of computers to the ever?widening needs of business and industry.
The program gives students…
Reading, Literacy and Communication Skills.
An instructional
program that describes the development of reading, writing, and
speaking abilities that are needed to perform day-t…
The Health Studies program provides a broad?based curriculum with an emphasis on preparation for continued study in the health science field that includes an exploration of health careers, as we…