Teller Training
A 22 week program, offered in partnership with ProsperityME, which prepares English language learners for entry level careers in the banking world. Students complete two core courses in the firs…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgA 22 week program, offered in partnership with ProsperityME, which prepares English language learners for entry level careers in the banking world. Students complete two core courses in the firs…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThe purpose of this online program is to prepare English language learners for the Commercial Driver’s License Class B permit test. Students also receive practice so that they can take the Passe…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgPortland Adult Education’s MaineHealth-endorsed Healthcare Office and Patient
Service Certificate program prepares you for a range of entry level positions in a
healthcare office env…
Banking Today and Senior$afe are two of the four courses needed to complete the Modern Banking Representative Certification issued by the Center for Financial Training & Education (CFTEA). T…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThis intensive 150 hour course (10 weeks/15.5 hour per week) is designed for immigrants with low to intermediate English language skills that are searching for their first job in the US. Student…