12 month Licensed Practical Nurse Program eligible for LPN Licensure.
12 month Licensed Practical Nurse Program eligible for LPN Licensure.
This program prepares students for entry level position in different health care settings and provides coursework to prep students for entry into Nursing and other programs.
http://www.kvcc.me.edu/Pages/General/Academic-InfoThe Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) program prepares students to install and service heating, air conditioning and refrigeration equip…
https://www.cmcc.edu/academics/programs/programs-of-study/hvacr/Students will learn developmentally appropriate instructional strategies, communication and management skills, best practices, teaching and learning theories, technology uses, and more in a vari…
https://www.uma.edu/academics/programs/education/overview/Biology, General. An instructional program that generally describes the scientific study of the structure, function, reproduction, growth, heredity, evolution, behavior and distribution of livi…