Personal Support Specialist
60 hour certification course that prepares students to work in a residential or home care setting providing personal care to ill or aging populations
http://www.scaborough.maineadulted.org60 hour certification course that prepares students to work in a residential or home care setting providing personal care to ill or aging populations
http://www.scaborough.maineadulted.orgVARIOUS ONLINE COMPUTER COURSES
Bookkeeping Certificate
Quickbooks Certificate
Certificate in Basic Game Design
Certificate in Data Analysis
Social Media …
This course gives you a basic understanding of your automobile as well as providing a launching pad to careers or further study at a community college level.
We will cover the following topic…
Certified Nurses Aide course -
includes 110 classroom hours, 70 clinical hours, CPR certification and textbooks
Training course provides necessary theory and skills to obtain employment in a Certified Nurse Assistant. 90 hours classroom instruction, 25 hours lab, and 85 hours clinical. This class is offer…