Todays Teller Academy
This course is designed for English Language Learners, and free for eligible participants.
Become part of a lifelong career in financial banking institutions! Students are co-enrolled in…
This course is designed for English Language Learners, and free for eligible participants.
Become part of a lifelong career in financial banking institutions! Students are co-enrolled in…
A 22 week program, offered in partnership with ProsperityME, which prepares English language learners for entry level careers in the banking world. Students complete two core courses in the firs…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThe purpose of this online program is to prepare English language learners for the Commercial Driver’s License Class B permit test. Students also receive practice so that they can take the Passe…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgPortland Adult Education’s MaineHealth-endorsed Healthcare Office and Patient
Service Certificate program prepares you for a range of entry level positions in a
healthcare office env…
Banking Today and Senior$afe are two of the four courses needed to complete the Modern Banking Representative Certification issued by the Center for Financial Training & Education (CFTEA). T…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgThis intensive 150 hour course (10 weeks/15.5 hour per week) is designed for immigrants with low to intermediate English language skills that are searching for their first job in the US. Student…
http://www.portlandadulted.orgDental Assisting and Dental Radiology
This phlebotomy certification course is designed to meet the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certification requirements for a phlebotomy technician. Stude…